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Getting to know the team:
Harry Adorian, Professional Risks Broker

Can you describe what your current role involves?

I am a broker in the Professional Risks team. The team specialises in the placement of insurance for a variety of services, but I focus mainly on the Architects & Engineers space.

What is your favourite insurance fact?

There is an insurance policy designed for comedians called Death by Laughter Insurance. My own premium costs me £500K 😉

What did you do before joining New Dawn Risk?

I joined New Dawn Risk just after graduating from the University of Bristol with a degree in Spanish and Italian.

Tell us one thing about your career we didn’t know:

I spend my weekends running a small business on the side, selling vintage clothing online – which I started in my second year of university.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy playing all kinds of sports, particularly football and golf. During lockdown, I tried to learn how to play the piano – this has been a slow process, and my skill level falls somewhere between Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and The Scientist by Coldplay…

Can you describe what your current role involves?

I’m a broker on the Technology, Media and Cyber Team. We find insurance solutions for a wide variety of risks spanning across a plethora of territories from the US to Africa. The classes of business we work with are always evolving so we need to be on our toes!

What is your favourite insurance fact?

In the filming of “A Space Odyssey (2001)”, Stanley Kubrick sought a policy in case a real-life alien invasion came before the movie was released. Lloyd’s of London declined.

What did you do before joining New Dawn Risk?

I joined New Dawn Risk a month after graduating from the University of Birmingham with a Bachelor of Science in Economics.

Tell us one thing about your career we didn’t know:

I originally wanted to go into the underwriting side of insurance but luckily found New Dawn and I haven’t looked back since.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I am a big sport enthusiast; my main playing discipline is the traditional English game of cricket. I’m also an avid supporter of my childhood football club, Yeovil Town FC. Outside of sport, I love cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

Can you describe what your current role involves?

I am a Management Liability and Financial Institutions Broker at New Dawn Risk. My team specialises in the placement and negotiation of Directors’ & Officers’ Liability and Financial Institutions Insurance, primarily from the Middle East and the US.

What is your favourite insurance fact?

There is a type of insurance called Spooksafe Insurance which provides coverage in the event that you are attacked by a spirit, werewolf or vampire. One woman with this insurance died after she was allegedly thrown over the banister of her home by a poltergeist. The insurer concluded this was a valid claim and paid out $100,000.

What did you do before joining New Dawn Risk?

I joined New Dawn Risk just after graduating from Bristol University with a BSc Geography degree.

Tell us one thing about your career we didn’t know:

I have co-hosted two New Dawn Risk virtual internships with my colleague Amelia Acreman. Both were aimed at educating school and university students about insurance basics and helping them to access the industry.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

Over lockdown, I took up guitar and spent the vast majority of this period learning the opening to “Do I Wanna Know” by Arctic Monkeys. Expecting a band to snap me up in the coming weeks.

Can you describe what your current role involves?

I lead the Technology, Media and Cyber team at New Dawn Risk. Our team is responsible for structuring and placing liability programmes for a variety of US and International clients.

What is your favourite insurance fact?

Wow, hmm I’m not sure I have any favourite insurance facts. But I recently re-watched Woody Allen’s Love and Death and chuckled when he said “There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?”

What did you do before joining New Dawn Risk?

I served 11 years in the British Army, completing several operations tours (Iraq & Afghanistan) before having a career change. I started my broking career at Paragon in 2015 and joined New Dawn Risk in 2019.

Tell us one thing about your career we didn’t know:

I am an ambassador for a wonderful military charity called The Not Forgotten Association They do a huge amount of good work supporting our veterans and I’m proud to be associated with them.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

My wife and I are blessed to have three children (8,6,3); their needs aren’t entirely compatible with hobbies. That said, I love skiing, cooking and travel. My new year’s resolution is to take up Judo.

Can you describe what your current role involves?

I am the business development and marketing manager for New Dawn Risk, responsible for everything from brand awareness and content creation to maximizing engagement opportunities for each of our broking teams.  

What is your favourite insurance fact?

There are so many weird ones, but probably the fact that America Ferrera’s smile is insured for $10 million!

What did you do before joining New Dawn Risk?

I’m American, born and raised in “the South”. In 2019, however, I traded my cowboy boots for a kilt and left the USA to pursue a master’s degree up at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Up until my big UK move, I served as the Director of Marketing at a wealth management company in Raleigh, North Carolina. 

Tell us one thing about your career we didn’t know:

I have a BA in Creative Writing from North Carolina State University.  I used to think one day I might write a book, but now I’m very positive that I’m better suited for shorter pieces…. typically ones that stick to a 250-character limit. 

What are your hobbies outside of work?

Outside of work, I used to enjoy traveling – but the current conditions have pretty much tossed that hobby out the window.  These days I spend most of my time enjoying walks through Clapham Common, listening to true crime podcasts, and cooking up any dishes that only require some gut instinct and a large handful of garlic.

Can you describe what your current role involves?

I am a senior treaty broker, responsible for structuring and placing casualty treaty programmes with London and International markets for our clients. Currently, the majority of our clients are based in the UAE.

What is your favourite insurance fact?

I remember in my first week of my career, I excitedly came home to my parents to tell them I learnt that the chocolate tester for Cadbury’s had her taste buds insured by Lloyd’s for £1 million.

What did you do before joining New Dawn Risk?

I was an International Casualty Treaty underwriter at Barbican Syndicate 1955 in Lloyd’s for 10 years.

Tell us one thing about your career we didn’t know:

I teach the Under 35’s Reinsurance underwriting pricing seminar every year to 25-30 Reinsurance professionals who have 1-2 years relevant experience. I have also been a Lloyd’s mentor.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I always hate that questions as I wish I had some real hobbies! Outside of work I mainly enjoy drinking in good pubs, eating in good restaurants and travelling to European cities!

Describe your current job in 15 words

Juggling. Broking requires the ability to keep a lot of balls in the air. The challenge is keeping all the balls happy all the time….

Favourite insurance fact: 

You can actually buy alien abduction insurance!!

What did you do before joining New Dawn Risk?

Spent last 5 years in the Middle East and the 15 years prior to that in the South African insurance market – mostly in underwriting

Tell us one thing about your career we didn’t know:

For the first 16 years of my insurance career, I studied various diplomas or degrees while working.  Everything from insurance to financial management to nursery school teaching to medical jurisprudence and finally my MBA.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

Dragon boating, travelling and various other fitness activities (changes often, short attention span…)

Describe your current job in 15 words

I’m the COO – I basically grease the wheels of commerce and try to keep everything (and everyone!) on the straight and narrow.

Favourite insurance fact

David Beckham’s legs were insured in Lloyd’s for £100,000,000!  

What did you do before you joined New Dawn Risk?

I spent my three years at university in a lab coat studying Cell Biology, then a brief stint at a stockbroking firm before finding my calling in insurance…

Tell us one thing about your career at New Dawn Risk that we don’t know.

On an early business trip to the USA, I drove a Fiat 500 over four hundred miles across the MidWest. I drew some odd looks at the traffic lights.

What is your hobby outside work?

Cooking curries and child-rearing.

Favourite insurance fact

That the term ‘underwriter’ comes from exactly that; someone who wrote their name under the terms of an early insurance contract (usually executed in Edward Lloyd’s Coffee House).

Best risk or deal you have ever placed

I’m very proud to have been involved in setting up the new United Arab Emirates employment guarantee insurance scheme which has already insured 3,500,000 workers in its first twelve months.

Tell us one thing about New Dawn Risk that we don’t know

When choosing the name of the company, we wanted something that reflected our ambition to bring something new and fresh to a very old and often staid industry; and a name that can be easily translated into any other language and that was totally different to anything else in our market.

What is your hobby outside work?

I can’t really call it a hobby, because I don’t spend enough time doing it, but I love sailing and hope to do more of it!